5% Down Payments are back

Marian IglesiasMiami, News, Real Estate News, UncategorizedLeave a Comment


After the housing bubble burst, buyers needed to come to the table with as much as 20% down payment to purchase property. Times have changed, lenders have loosened the purse strings, and are offering conforming loans with down payments that are as low as 5% for single-family homes, as well as condominiums. Jumbo loans may require 20 to 30 percent, and Super Jumbo loans up to 50%.If you are ready to purchase real estate, the first step is to find out the maximum amount of money you can borrow, then learn the requirements that must be met in order to get approved, and the type of financing that can be most beneficial to you. Speak to a qualified lender, I highly recommend Hector Chomat, a knowledgeable and trusted mortgage loan originator with more than 25 years of experience and a proven track record. The sooner you start the process, the closer you will be to taking advantage of today’s low interest rates.

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