An Investor’s link to US Residency

Marian IglesiasBusiness visa, EB 5, Miami, Miami Regional Center for Foreign Investment, News, Real Estate Investors, Real Estate News, Uncategorized, US Residency, US Visa for InvestorsLeave a Comment

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City of Miami designated EB-5 Regional Center – City of Miami received approval for designation as an EB-5 Regional Center for Foreign Investment under the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services immigrant investment visa program. The program allows the city to assist foreign nationals who inject capital in to the U.S. economy by granting them special immigration status.

The City of Miami Regional Center will be one of the few government-owned and managed regional centers in the United States. It will provide additional financing opportunities for real estate development and infrastructure projects, therefore serving as a catalyst for economic development and job creation within the City of Miami and throughout South Florida.

As a regional center, Miami as a licensee can accept funds from immigrant investors who can then use the city’s license to fund real estate and infrastructure projects in Miami. Immigrants can apply for green cards through the use of the program. The EB-5 category is one of a limited number of immigration categories allowing self-sponsorship.

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